Façade Grant Program

Façade Grant Program

The Façade Grant Program promotes the maintenance and rehabilitation of central business district properties by providing matching grants to business and building owners.

Downtown Goshen Inc. provides matching grants to business and building owners.
Downtown Goshen Inc. provides matching grants to business and building owners.

Qualifying Façade Projects

To qualify for a grant, the proposed project must meet the following criteria:

  1. Maintain historic or architectural integrity
  2. Preserve or restore architectural features
  3. Use material and colors that match building or district identity
  4. Consider the entire building
  5. Take cues from neighboring buildings
  6. Maintain continuity with character of district (i.e. storefront retail, etc.)
  7. Improve or maintain interest and appeal at street level
  8. Expand or maintain visual access to building interiors

Qualifying Façade Locations

Buildings which lie between Pike Street on the north, Madison Street on the south, on the west side of 5th Street and the east side of 3rd Street.

Funding Guidelines

  • Full Facade: 75% up to $5,000
  • Windows (ie: uncovering, painting) without other changes to facade shall qualify for consideration: 75% up to $5,000
  • Awnings: 75% up to $1,500 (per awning)
  • Signs: 75% up to $1,500

Full façade projects include a group of activities done together as one project, for example, painting, exterior rehabilitation, windows, and entryways.

Application Guidelines

A maximum of one façade grant application per building per calendar year will be accepted, with no more than two successive approved requests per building, not including sign requests.

Thanks Sponsors

Thanks, DGI Sponsors